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National History Day: Learning Library Lingo


Library Terms Glossery

Abstract – A brief summary of the points in an article.


Bibliography – A list of citations or references to books or periodical articles on a particular topic. Bibliographies can appear at the end of a book, journal, or encyclopedia article, or in a separate publication.


Call Number – A combination of numbers and letters that provide a unique description of each item in a library collection. Items are arranged on the book shelves by call number, so the call number is the "address" of materials on the shelf. For example: MN 3534 .S83 2013.


Citation – A citation is a reference or footnote to an item (such as a book or periodical article); a citation contains the author, title, date of publication, and any other information needed to locate the item.


Database – A structured set of information, stored in a computer, a disk, a book, etc. Databases are most commonly located online or in a computer. GALILEO hosts multiple databases of information ready for students to access. Some examples of online databases available through Lewis Library are "Academic Search Complete," "Project Muse," "Science Direct," etc. GALILEO has a "Databases A-Z" link right on its homepage for easy access.


Interlibrary Loan – Exchange of books or periodical articles between libraries for a brief period.” If Lewis Library does not own a book or article that you need, you may request that item through Interlibrary Loan. Please check with Jamie Coen if you cannot find a book or article you are looking for.


Journal – A type of periodical (defined below) which contains scholarly articles. Journals are usually published by academic or association presses and include bibliographies.


Periodical – Materials published at regular intervals and intended to be continued indefinitely. Examples of periodicals include magazines, journals, and newsletters.


Reference collection - A selection of library materials used to help people find information or do research. Reference collections contain almanacs, encyclopedias, atlases, and statistical compilations. They may also have bibliographies, indexes, and abstracts. Reference materials cannot be taken out of the library, but a scanner is available at the Reference Desk. Please see Dr. Arthur Robinson at the Reference Desk for more information on our reference collection.


Reserve – A selection of specific books, periodical articles, and/or other materials which faculty have set aside for a particular course or assignment. If your professor has placed an item on reserve, these materials can be accessed at the circulation desk on the main floor. Other materials on reserve include laptops and citation guides for all different citation styles. No items on reserve can be taken out of the library.


Serial - Materials issued at regular or irregular intervals and intended to continue indefinitely. Includes periodicals, magazines, and journals.


Stacks - Rows of shelves where library books available for checkout are located.


Subject Headings - A term or phrase used in indexes and library catalogs to describe the content of library materials in a standardized way. For example, Indians of North America is the subject heading used in the online catalog to describe materials about Native Americans.

*All information contained within this Glossary that is not specific to Lewis Library or LaGrange College was taken directly from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s “Glossary of Library Terms.” While some entries are direct quotes, others have been modified to suit the specific needs of our students and our own library policies. 

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