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HIST 3361 England to 1680: PRIMARY SOURCES


BOOKS (Print)

Conduct a SUBJECT search in the Library Catalog for "Great Britain History Sources."  This will yield primary source material.

Also conduct a SUBJEÇT search in the Library Catalog for "England Sources."  Such a search should yield more than 60 works of (or containing) primary source material.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Selected Library of Congress Subject Headings

Anglo-Saxons Sources

England Church history 16th century Sources

England Church history 17th century Sources

Great Britain History Anglo-Saxon period, 449-1066 Sources

Great Britain History Norman period, 1066-1154 Sources

Great Britain History Roman period, 55 B.C. - 449 A.D. Sources

London (England) History To 1500 Sources

Normans England History To 1500 Sources

Reformation England Sources

Renaissance England Sources

Romans Great Britain Sources


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