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Citation Guide: APA Citation Guide

Use this guide to help choose a citation style appropriate for your subject or course.

APA Style Manual

Use the call number below to find this style manual in your library's reference collection OR click on the book/book title to view an online version of this style guide!


What is Paraphrasing??

Paraphrasing is taking what someone else said and putting it in your own words. 

Paper Format

What does the paper look like?

The paper consists of several components:

1. Cover Page

  • Running head
  • Page numbers
  • Title
  • Your Name
  • Your Professors Name

2. Abstract/Keywords (if applicable)

3. Body 

4. Reference Page


APA style papers are:


Times New Roman, size 12 font

HELP! Cite my sources!

Scribbr APA Citation Generator

The New 7th Edition APA: What's different?

More Resources for APA Style

Still need assistance with APA?

Try the following online style guides for more examples of citing sources both in your paper's text and in your bibliography/reference list:

In-Text Citations

Both paraphrases and quotations require citations. Here are some examples of the most common in-text citations:

For works with one to two authors:

(Last name, Last name, Year)

For works with three or more authors:

(Last name, et al., year)


Reference Page

Both paraphrases and quotations require citations. Here are some examples of the most common in-text citations:



Author, A.A., & Author, C.C. (Copyright Year). Title of the book (7th ed., vol. 2). Publisher. DOI or URL (if ebook)

Journal Article

Author, D.D., & Author, F.F. (Year). Title of the article. Name of the Periodical, volume(issue), 13-22. DOI

Chapter in an Edited Book

Author, G.G., & Author, Q.Q. (Copyright Year). Title of the book chapter. In A.A. Editor & B.B. Editor (Eds.), Title of the                        book (2nd ed., pp. 10-13). Publisher. DOI or URL (if ebook)


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