The Dorothy "Dot" Moore Collection was donated to LaGrange College by her daughter in honor of her mother who passed away in 2016. The collection contains assorted items related to her nursing career including her stunning nursing cape. The collection also gives a sample of some of the rigors and requirements necessary for becoming a registered nurse.
- 1 blue and red nursing cape
- 1 white cap with two gold cross pins
- Assorted colored snapshots of ceremonies
- 1974 grade report from Troup Technical School
- Southern Union grade report
- Grade for State Board Test, Secretary of State
- Correspondence from Georgia Board of Nursing, Examination Results
- 1978 copy invitation to Candlelight Pinning Ceremony
- Georgia Board of Nursing Certificate, 1978
- LaGrange College Commencement program, June 3, 1978
- Copy obituary, Dorothy Jean Foreman Moore, May 21, 1939-May 7, 2016
- Board of Examiners of Practical Nursing, Practical Nursing License, 1974
- Troup County Area Vocational Technical School, letter of acceptance
- East Vernon Baptist Church, notification of Jess Baker Scholarship, 1973.
- News clipping “14 Scholarships awarded here in Nurse Program” n.d.
- LaGrange College Evaluation of Transfer Credit Nursing, 1976
- Diploma, Troup Area Vocational Technical School, LaGrange, GA 1974
- Troup Co. Area Vocational Technical School, Capping Exercises, 1974
- Diploma, LaGrange College, 1978
- Oncology Nursing Certificates, 1987-2001
- Two name badges,
- One black commencement cap and gown
- One ceramic nurse given to “friendliest nurse of 1978, LaGrange College Nursing Class with dedication card.
- One candle holder
- One LC pin